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Please read our terms and conditions of business carefully. Don't hesitate to contact if you have any quesitons.

1.  Basis of Supply
Orders for goods, whether sent to us direct or given to our representative and whether verbal or in writing, do constitute a contract until they have been accepted by us either by written acknowledgement or by sending the goods involved. Any order denotes acceptance of the terms and conditions.

2.  Prices
Prices are subject to alteration without notice and we will invoice goods at prices current on the date of dispatch together with applicable value added tax.

3.  Normal Terms of Payment
Subject to any agreed settlement discount, all invoices are strictly net and due for payment on or before 30 days from invoice date.

4.  Overdue Accounts
If payment is not made by the due date, interest will be charged on the total amounts overdue, at the rate of 3% per month or part thereof, until payment is made. We reserve the right to withhold further deliveries until all overdue amounts are paid in full including surcharge invoices.

5.  Carriage
Where applicable, postage, packing, and insurance costs will be charged in addition, plus value added tax.

6.  Claims
Damaged goods or short deliveries must be notified to us in writing within 14 days of delivery.

7.  Passing of Risk to Buyer
Risk of damage to or loss of goods shall pass to the buyer at the time of delivery and we shall have no responsibility i respect of the safety or security of the goods thereafter.

8.  Retention of Title
8.1 Notwithstanding delivery and passing of risk in the goods or any provision of these conditions, the property in the goods shall not pass to the buyer until Crystal Jewellery Ltd. T/A Superior Wedds and Designs, (hereinafter “The Company) has received in cash or clear funds payment in full of the price of the goods and all other goods agreed to be sold by The Company to the buyer for which payment is then due.

8.2 Until such time as the property in the goods as the Company's fiduciary agent, shall keep the goods separate from those of the buyer and third parties and properly stored, protected, insured, and identified as the Company’s property. Until that time buyer shall be entitled to resell or use the goods in the ordinary course of business, but shall account to the Company for the proceeds of the sale or otherwise of the goods, whether tangible, including insurance proceeds, and shall keep all such proceeds separate from any monies or property of the buyer and third parties and, in the case of tangible proceeds properly stored, protected and insured.

8.3 Until such time as the property in the goods passes to the buyer, (and provided the goods are still in existence and not resold). The Company shall be entitled at any time to require the buyer to deliver up to the Company, and if the buyer fails to do so forthwith, to enter upon any premises of the buyer or any third party where the goods are stored and reprocess the goods.

8.4 The buyer shall not be entitled to pledge or any way change by the way of security for any indebtedness of any goods which remain the property of The Company, but if the buyer does so all money owing to by the buyer to The Company shall (without prejudice to any other right or remedy of The Company) forthwith become due and payable

9.  Delivery
The Company shall not be liable for any loss, damage or expense suffered or incurred by the buyer, do to any delay caused or contributed to by any fire, accident, breakdown, industial dispute, difficulty in obtaining materials, war “force majeure” or any other occurrence or circumstances whatsoever, be on the control The Company.

10.  Limitation of Liability
All condition and warranties, statutory or otherwise, as to the quality or fitness of our goods for any purpose , are hereby excluded and we will accept no responsibility for any damage, loss or injury except insofar as British Law prevents such exclusion. Any liability in respect of the quality or fitness for purpose of the goods supplied shall not extend to the loss of profits or any other consequential financial or economic losses.

11.  Law and Contract
The laws of Great Britain shall govern the contract and the British Courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction to determine all questions or matters relating to or arising out of the contract. 

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